Friday, November 05, 2004

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Monday, November 01, 2004

MSNBC Newsbot

MSNBC Newsbot
This is according to Microsoft's release, " MSN Newsbot (beta) is an experimental, automated news service. We gather news from over 4,000 sources on the internet and speed your discovery of news stories on the internet. News headlines are clustered together to allow you to compare coverage from multiple sources and each story links to the publisher's site where you can read the full article.

As news changes around the world, MSN Newsbot (beta) updates continuously to keep you current on what stories are being reported online. You can search to find news related to particular topics, or browse the sections to find news in Sports, Business, Technology, or World News. As you click on stories Newsbot will suggest other stories based on your selections."

I can't say it is THAT new and unique as it is looking to emulate several other online resources that do pretty much the same, but it is worth checking out a time or to to see what you may think about this "service".

Yahoo! News - Mac and Linux Not Immune to Viruses

Yahoo! News - Mac and Linux Not Immune to Viruses

New worm variant spreads, clogging e-mail

New worm variant spreads, clogging e-mail

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Small community - big heart

November 2004

I always find it very disheartening to travel around the Net to various sites that purport ot be "freeware" sites and yet are merely lame excuses for representing the real "freeware community".
Sites that basically are riding on the coat tails of freeware to be seen, or to garner exposure.
They spend time harvesting "freeware" to list and yet if queried can only spout what is on a developers page as they themselves probably have never used said program(s).

HOW can someone vouch that a program is freeware if they only go by being told it is???

That is where the huge divide exists between the genuine freeware world and the 'wannabes'.

The small, but true freeware community is made up of those who have an actual heart, and an actual passion for the subject of freeware.
They are selective and discerning about what freeware they discuss, list or share to others.
They by doing so, are extending a high degree of respect to the developers of real freeware, for they aren't merely "using" the gendre of freeware as a tool to further their online/website pursuits.

Yes the numbers in the legions of trye freeware admireres is very small, but as this article's tiles states, it is a big one.
And THAT is the gist of it all...not quantity, but quality

Some will never grasp, nor appreciate that simple idea.
Some are just so driven by some pathetically petty ideology that bigger is better that they alienate themselves from rather than collaborating with others who share common interests.The Net could bring so many together for better things.
To bridge huge distances...but sadly it can be a matter of ego rather than altruism that feeds some.

Blurbs on Spyware from Yahoo!

Yahoo! Security Center - Spyware...pretty basic, but better than not saying a word, like many online presences do.

Site of the week

Site of the week for week ending December 26, 2004 :

I haven't the words to say enough about this site and it's author (Scott). His site is home to the Freeware Book and is the "birthplace" to the Freeware Revolution.
A man of commitment and steadfastness in championing real freeware in a cyber world overwrought with many who "use" and misrepresent freeware.

This site is just returning online after being offline due to many, many personal problems for it's benevolant webmaster (and family).

I wish Scott and his family all the best and continued healing on their road ahead and am grateful that there are those like Scott that aren't concerned with having the biggest listing by harvesting freeware listings from other sites or can't be bothered in doing an altruistic and collaborative project like the Freeware Book, nor are decent enough to join and unite for a cause like The Freeware Revolution.
Also those who are fair weather friends and assume email is a one way street (they only write when you write them).

Site of the week for week ending December 19, 2004 :

Formerly knopwn as WebAttack, this site has loads of freeware (and shreware) listings. The listings are seperated (freeware and shareware), and though adware is listed, it is so notated.
Keep up to date by using their RSS feed!

Site of the week for week ending December 12, 2004 :

Ur I.T. Mate Group
Ur I.T. Mate Group is both a great freeware site and home of many excellent freeware programs developed by the site's webmaster Steven Burn.
This site and it's webmaster are members of The FREEWARE REVOLUTION.

Site of the week for week ending December 5, 2004 :

ShellExtensionCity provides daily freeware and shareware news and infos. They also serve up a great set of news resources.

Site of the week for week ending November 28, 2004 :

Buzzy's Stall Wall
At Buzzy's Stall Wall you can find very nicely (and honestly) reviewed freeware.
I salute this site as the webmaster takes the time to really check out and go through freeware, this way you KNOW what you will get and what to expect from the freeware that is listed.

Site of the week for week ending November 21, 2004 :
A very nice freeware site that I recently ran across. Very good selections of freeware and a pleasant site to behold.

Site of the week for week ending November 14, 2004 :

Home of the many outstanding freeware creations of developer Nir Sofer.
I use every single freeware proggie from this site, and am so pleased with the fact that they are outstandingly functional, AND not hugely overbloated like a number of freeware proggies I have run across.

Site of the week for week ending November 7, 2004 :

It's a great resource for a number of great freeware sites and resources as well as a growing freeware library of their own.

To submit a site for "Site of the week" listing, contact me here

Spyware Free Spy Software Blocking Tool

Spyware Free Spy Software Blocking Tool
Well worth getting and keeping updated on.

What it does is blocks all known "bad" ActiveX controls from running inside Internet Explorer.

It is regularly and often updated!

New IE Flaw Spoofs URLs

"New IE Flaw Spoofs URLs" - Bagle Is Still Biting - Bagle Is Still Biting

AM-DeadLink - Detect dead links and duplicates in your Browser Bookmarks, download FavIcons

AM-DeadLink - Detect dead links and duplicates in your Browser Bookmarks, download FavIcons ver 2.03 released